Feminist Spaces

1. Queer and Punk Archive

What: Visit to the COMPULSIVE Archive

When: Friday, 17th June – from 19.30 to 21.30 (CET) – please note that participants can also arrive later than the actual starting time.

Where: Via Natale Battaglia, 23 – 20127 Milano (find us here)

Language: English

Price: FREE (registration is compulsory)

Participants: max 25 – first come first served basis

Registration through Eventbrite here.

Description of the event:

COMPULSIVE is an archive and a long-term project aimed at rediscovering and enhancing the lesser known punk press, that of the Riot Grrrl and QueerCore fanzines produced in Italy between the 90s and the 00s.

Hundreds of fanzines, records, ephemera, letters on paper and early emails, collected over the years by Giulia Vallicelli, represent the heart of COMPULSIVE ARCHIVE, a collection and archive based in Milan, which intends to stay alive through different activities and moments of confrontation.

Starting from the idea of the archive as a living matter, not only able to tell the past but also to make people reflect on the present, COMPULSIVE has been hosting lectures, exhibitions and residencies for emerging artists.

TOPICS: feminism, queer, youth cultures. Italian and international punk press, records and ephemera from the nineties to now.

Chronology: 1990-2020.

Legal status: private archive, access upon appointment.

MORE: linktr.ee/compulsivearchive

2. Unione Femminile Nazionale (Italian Women’s Union)

What: Visit to the Italian Women’s Union headquarter

When: 1) Wednesday, 15th June – from 09.30 to 14.30 (CET); 2) Thursday, 16th June – from 14.00 to 18.00 (CET); 3) Friday, 17th June – from 09.30 to 14.30 (CET) – please note that participants can also arrive later than the actual starting time.

Where: Corso di Porta Nuova, 32 – 20121 Milano (find us here)

Language: Italian and English

Price: FREE (registration is compulsory)

Participants: max 10 at time – first come first served basis

Registration through Eventbrite here

Description of the event:

The National Women’s Union was founded in 1899 in Milan for the social, civil, and political rights of women. Its founding manifesto declares the goals of women’s education and of gathering women’s associations in one location with the benefit of a shared library and conference room. It was in the forefront of battles for suffrage, for the regulation of women’s and children’s labor, and against prostitution. Since 1910 its headquarters has been at Corso di Porta Nuova, 32 in Milan, a heritage, and a place of historical memory important to the city. Preserves useful documentation for gender studies and rights history. During your visit you will be able to tour the headquarters and library, learn about the history of the institution and get information about the archival and bibliographic records available to the public.

Chronology: 1899 onwards

Legal status: library and archives accessible by appointment

MORE: unionefemminile.it

3. Fondazione Elvira Badaracco

What: Visit to the Elvira Badaracco Foundation

When: 1) Tuesday, 14th June – from 09.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 18.00 (CET); 2) Wednesday, 15th June – from 09.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 18.00 (CET); 3) Thursday, 16th June – from 09.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 16.30 (CET) – please note that participants can arrive at any times.

Where: Via Luigi Federico Menabrea, 13 – 20159 Milano (find us here)

Language: Italian and English

Price: FREE

No max number of participants

No registration is required


The purpose of the Foundation is to promote the studies of women’s culture, and women’s social and political experience, with specific attention to women’s historical associations and feminism.

MORE: fondazionebadaracco.it/en/homepage/

4. Mudec – Museo delle Culture (Museum of Cultures)

What: Docucity ‘Generazione Mix’ – video and documentary contest

When: Saturday, 18th June – 15.00 (CET)

Where: Via Tortona, 56 – 20144 Milano (find us here)

Language: Italian

Price: 12 euros (10 euros reduced)

No max number of participants

No registration is required

Description (in Italian)

Concorso per film documentari e opere audiovisive di non-fiction che in questa edizione affrontano in modo creativo il tema delle nuove generazioni di cittadini italiani con background diasporico.
Proiezione delle opere selezionate e premiazione del documentario vincitore, decretato dalla seguente Giuria:
Suranga Deshapriya Katugampala (regista e sceneggiatore)
Silvia Miola (filmmaker, sinologa e vincitrice edizione di Docucity “La citta delle donne”)
Medhin Paolos (fotografa, attivista, ricercatrice)
Giusi Santoro (produttrice della casa di produzione PopCult documentari )
Marco Wong (Consigliere comunale di Prato, intellettuale)
Il concorso ù promosso da Docucity Documentare la Città in collaborazione con l’Ufficio Reti e Cooperazione Culturale del Comune di Milano e la Fondazione UNIMI.

MORE: mudec.it/ita/milano-citta-mondo-3/ (in Italian)

5) MIX – 36th International Festival of LGBTQ+ Cinema and Queer Culture

What: Film, Live Performances, Music, and Seminars

When: from Thursday, 16th June to Sunday, 19th June

Where: Piccolo Teatro Strehler – Largo Greppi, 1 – 20121 Milano (find us here); Casa degli Artisti – Corso Garibaldi, 89/A angolo Via Tommaso da Cazzaniga – 20121 Milano (find us here); CAM – Via Strehler, 2 angolo Corso Garibaldi, 27 – 20121 Milano (find us here).

Language: Italian, English, and French

Price: 20 euros (10 euros reduced)

No max number of participants

Registration: membership card for the 2022 edition can be bought in advance here


For more than 35 years, the MiX Festival of LGBTQ + Cinema and Queer Culture has been the reference film festival for the gay, lesbian, trans and queer community. Every year the best of independent LGBTQ + themed cinema is brought to the theaters thanks to a team of dynamic, multicultural and multigenerational programmers. From 1986 to today, while not losing its original roots of political commitment and territorial roots, the Festival has transformed, symbolically representing the crossing of identities that the entire LGBTQ + community has traveled over the last few decades.

Programme: mixfestival.eu/programma-3/

MORE: mixfestival.eu/

6) Libreria Verso (bookstore)

What: Cruising Utopia book presentation with Nina Ferrante and Jacopo Miliani

When: Thursday, 16th June – 19.00 (CET)

Where: Corso di Porta Ticinese, 40 – 20123 Milano (find us here)

Language: Italian 

Price: FREE

No max number of participants

No registration is required

Description (in Italian):

L’arte anticipatoria di Andy Warhol, la poesia di Frank O’Hara e di Elizabeth Bishop, la drammaturgia tragico-erotica di LeRoi Jones, la finzione autobiografica di John Giorno e la cultura del sesso in pubblico, i concerti punk e l’intimitĂ  fuorilegge di un gay bar del Queens, l’attivismo guerrilla anonimo contro la «Disneyficazione» di New York.

JosĂ© Esteban Muñoz attraversa questi e altri luoghi della storia e della cultura queer per tracciare i contorni di un’utopia concreta e ridefinire l’orizzonte del mondo LGBT, che quarant’anni dopo i moti di Stonewall sembra costretto tra due sole alternative: abbracciare il pragmatismo delle politiche normalizzanti inseguendo il matrimonio, la famiglia o una carriera nell’esercito, o abbandonarsi al pessimismo e alla pulsione di morte delle teorie antisociali rinunciando all’idea di futuro e confinando.

Programme: libreriaverso.com/appuntamenti/cruising-utopia/

MORE: libreriaverso.com/